Saturday, January 19, 2013

With or without a belt?

I want to kick off this post by pointing out a couple of recent tweaks to the blog. I've reverted back to Blogger's default comment system from Disqus. I've added email and Pinterest buttons at right so we can stay even more connected. I've also refreshed the other pages, including flagging my personal favourites in the Recipe Index page.

My outfit photographer N has been away from work and I've been too busy to cook anything fun and new, hence the sparse posting of late. We're getting back into the swing of things though! Ottawa is getting hit with an Arctic blast (It felt like -31C/-24F yesterday...brrr) so I'll be piling on more warm layers. I don't mind, as long it means that the Winterlude festival next month manages to entice another annual visit from our out-of-town friends.

It was after taking this set of photos that I remembered I meant to wear my pearl tassel belt with the skirt. So I took a couple of extra shots after the fact. Now I'm not sure about the belt. What do you think - is it better with or without? 


Tunic - Jacob (most recently here)
Cardigan - Banana Republic 
Skirt - Jus d'orange (most recently here)
Scarf - Winners (also here)
Hosiery - Costco
Shoes - Thrifted (Aerosoles)
Ring - Le Chateau
Earrings - Thailand markets


  1. kat, it's really cute without the belt. i like the belt too, though. i guess it depends on your mood, or what you feel most comfortable in then, right? hooray to seeing dear friends. :)

  2. The belt is a really neat touch, but I like it either way! And I don't know how you can wear skirts in this freezing weather. It's been so cold!!!

  3. These pearls are genius! I like the color combo of your scarf. Saw an infinity scarf of the same colors. Too bad I didn't get it :O(

    By the way, I still use Comment Luv, but constantly thinking of switching back. The only reason I keep Comment Luv is because it gives commenter's "Do Follow" links that help grow their google ranking. It's a way to appreciate my followers. It's not a bad system if you want to try it.

  4. I really liked the outfit before... and then I saw the belt and fell completely in love! Seriously. I've never seen anything quite like it but to me, it absolutely makes the look :) Stay warm!

  5. I'm thinking this is a great way to switch it up. Without the belt at work and wa-la throw on the belt and a different cardigan or jacket for drinks.......I always like the drinks part!!
    Have a great week my stylish friend and thanks for the sweet comments on our Little Man

  6. I adore that belt. It's so interesting and unique, not to mention super pretty. It takes the outfit to a whole new level.

    May the force be with you.

  7. The tweaks are working out great, I love the switch from disqu to the regular blogger commenting system, disqu seems like it always has so many bugs and it either freezes my computer or won't let me comment at all. ;P

    Brrr, sorry about the cold weather! (We must have sent you all of our early winter weather, we've been having in the teens temperatures for the past month-ish.) I hope it warms up a little for you!

    That belt, wow, that is just cool! It's really gorgeous and has a bit of whimsical edge to it, it's so lovely. Your skirt is so pretty as well, i just noticed the little bit of lace along the hemline!

  8. I LOVE this pearl belt and the scarf and the delicate accessories, very chic feminine ensemble. I am HATING the cold but excited that my sister is coming to visit for Winterlude


I genuinely enjoy reading everyone's comments. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!